Steppin'Up offers all levels of classes for those interested in exploring
the fast growing sport of dog agility. Come and join the fun sport of agility and learn how to build
a gratifying relationship with your dog, at the same time. Knowledge and fun come together at Steppin'Up in a beautiful training environment!
Stay With Me Class

This is an eight week class
designed to get your dog to work with you! Are you tired of walking
into the ring with a dog that thinks he is on vacation! Does your
dog either take off, shut down, or stress out when you are at a
show? Do you wonder if your dog will be a part of your team, or
will he suddenly leave you, either physically or mentally? Whether
you are showing in the obedience or agility ring, or you just want
to be able to take your dog with you anywhere, this is the class
for you. You will teach your dog that staying with you both physically
and mentally is not an option. Your dog will understand that he
must "stay with you", and that when he does "stay
with you" all good things happen! When you are through with
this class your relationship with your dog will greatly improve.
So quit being unsuccessful in the ring or embarrassed in public
with your dog's behavior and take control! The "stay with me" class will be the best thing you do for you and your dog!
Fee: $160 for 8 week session
Attention Games For Agility

This is a eight week class that is a must
for any dog or puppy that wants to get the best start on the road
to an agility career. Whether you are highly competitive or not
this is the class for you. You will end up with a dog that wants
to play, chase, and pay attention to you. Your dog will learn all
the handling skills he needs to build a wonderful working relationship
with you. Your dog will learn the following commands, come to either
the right or left side, turn away from you, go straight ahead, come
in to you, get out away from you, circle you both right and left,
table count game, start line game, and much more. This class is
guaranteed to be both fun and informative!
Fee:$160 for an 8 week session
Standard: One and Two

Each of these is a six week session set up to introduce your dog
or puppy to all of the contact equipment. Learn to do the contacts
correctly, right from the start. You will learn the dog walk, A-frame,
seesaw, tunnels, weaves, table, and chute. All agility classes are
both fun and informative. You and your dog will get the best foundation
as you start on your agility career. Do not miss the opportunity
to have fun with your canine partner.
$120 for 6 weeks
Distance Skills Class: One and Two
These classes are each six weeks long.

Skills One
is geared to help you master both front and rear crosses. You will
learn how to treadle between jumps, how to do a beautiful serpentine,
180 and 270 degree turns. Teach your dog how to "get out,"
push and to "come in" pull to you. You will learn all
these skills and much more.
$120 for 6 weeks
Skills Two will pick up from what you have already learned in skills one and
will teach your dog to work at a distance. This is perfect for those
of you who have a Velcro dog or for any handler that wants or needs
their dog to work away from them. You must take Skills One first
as what you have learned in that class will enable you to learn
more advanced skills needed in distance work. Have you ever seen
those handlers who have dogs that work away from their handlers
and wondered how they do that? This class will teach you how they
do that!
$120 for 6 weeks
Intermediate Class

In this class you will begin doing sequences and learning all the skills you need to get ready for the show. Front crosses rear crosses, go on, and get out skills you learned in the attention games class are applied to the equipment in sequences. You and your dog will learn to become a team! You will begin to learn how to walk courses and how to run them! This class will get you ready for the advanced class.
$120 for 6 weeks
Advanced Class

This is a on going class for those handlers who are proficient on all the agility equipment. In this class handlers run anything from difficult sequences to whole courses. Each week skills are worked in an atmosphere of fun and learning. Handlers get a chance to run courses in a space much similar to the ring. This allows you to train like you show. You will run standard and jumpers courses. You can bet you and your dog will go home tired and happy!
$120 for 6 week sessions
All classes at Steppin'Up have no more than 8 to 10 dog handler
teams, this allows each student to get lots of attention and makes
great progress!