Pet Dog Training Class Descriptions
This is an eight week session that is a must for every new puppy as well as older dogs who missed out on this training.
In this class you will learn to raise the perfect pet. Teaching
new puppies correct behaviors when they are young is far more
rewarding than trying to deal with bad behaviors when they
are older. You and your dog will learn the following commands:
Come when called:
A good family pet comes when called, every time! Teaching
a young puppy that coming to you is a good thing will make
both "their life" and "your life" a lot
happier. It is no fun to chase your dog down the street terrified
that he will get hit by a car. When you follow through with
the training provided, you will live with a dog that listens
and is a joy to own.
Stay with me:
You will learn how to make sure your dog does not pull on
the leash ever! We are sure you have seen or experienced a
dog who drags its owner down the street. This makes walking
the dog an unpleasant task. If walking your dog is unpleasant,
you will not want to take them for a walk. When dogs do
not get the exercise they need, many unwanted behavior problems
occur. Learn how to teach your dog to walk on a loose leash
so that the both of you have fun getting some exercise!
Do not jump on people:
No one likes to have a dog jump all over them, even when it's his/her own dog. Learn how to teach your dog not to jump
up unless invited. The command "OFF" is one that
if taught properly makes owning a dog a lot more enjoyable.
Starting OFF with a puppy is a lot easier than waiting until
you have a full grown dog.
Stay put when told.
This is a command that every dog should learn. There is
nothing like having a dog that will stay put when told. There
are times in life when we would like our dog to be quiet
and under control. Learn how to get your dog in a curled
down position and how to keep him there.
Greet people nicely.
A well trained dog is taught to how to meet people respectfully.
Your friends and family will be amazed at how well your dog
listens to you. You will be proud to show off your dog, instead
of being embarrassed by him. This is a command you will be
happy you taught!
Wait at the door and in the Car:
Your dog will learn not to try and push by you at the door.
He will learn to wait and let you go through the door first.
He will not jump out of the car unless you give him permission.
This will save your puppy's life. Many dogs get killed every
day by sneaking out an open door. Learn this command so that
you keep your pup safe!
Leave it:
This is another command every dog needs to
learn. There are times when we either drop something on the
floor, or see something that we do not want our dog to have.
Teaching your pup to leave it, makes life with them so much
more enjoyable.
We will cover barking, digging, chewing, and house breaking.
Give your puppy a chance to grow into the kind of dog with
whom you will want to spend the rest of your life.
Puppies must be at least 10 weeks old and have had their
first permanent shot.
Cost: $200 for 8 weeks (six-foot leash provided)
Please call us for a Registration Form and information packet. (508)763-4843 The completed Registration Form and a $50 deposit are required to hold a space for the next session.



