2005 promises to be a great year at Steppin'Up!
Terri and Zap make the finals at the 2006 AKC Nationals In Tampa, Fl !!!!
Terri & Zap New "MACH"!

Hey Guys..I did it! I crept my way to the MACH!
2005 Purina Increditable Dog Challenge!
Meg & Flame 2nd place in the Juniors division!
Way to go Meg!
 Margaret Farone & Rosie New "MACH Title! The Thrill of victory! __________________________________________________________ Congratulations:!!!!! Terri & Striker Winning Fourth place at 2005 AKC Nationals in Tampa Fl! And for finishing their "MACH Title" in style!  I would like to thank all of my students and friends for placing the congratulatory ad in Clean Run! I appreciate this from the bottom of my heart! click here to see ad!
2004 #1 GSP!  An Extra Special Congratulations to Margaret Farone and CRK Total Eclipse JH MX MXJ " Rosie " For the second year in a row this team is the #1 German Short Haired Pointer! 1,035 points and 15 DQ's Margaret and Rosie we are all so proud of the both of you!
Norwegian Elkhound Minuteman Association Agility Trials June 4-5, 2005 Ski & Jamie Novice B Jumpers 2nd place! Kathy Patregnani & Vinny Open Standard 2nd place! Fran & Dilly Q Open Standard and New Title! Jean & Blush Open Standard 1st place! Pamela & Kirby Open Jumpers 1st Place! Lynn & Shotsie Excellent B Standard 3rd place! Karen & Molly Double Q Excellent B! Terri & Striker Excellent B Standard 1st place! Michelle & Gordan Double Q Excellent B! Ashley & Topper Excellent B Standard 4th place! Kathy Patregnani & Vinnie Excellent A Jumpers 16" 3rd place! Kathy Patregnani & Perry Q Excellent A Jumpers 24" ! Mark & Zoey Excellent B Jumpers 2nd place! Terri & Zap Excellent B Jumpers 1st place! Paula & Rudie Open Standard and Open Jumpers 8" Double Q & 2nd place! Kelsie & Taffy Open Standard 12" 2nd place! Kathy Patregnani & Vinny Open Standard 16" 2nd place! Darlene & Hannah Open Standard 16" 4th place! Darlene & Hannah Open Jumpers 16" 1st place! Karen & Annie Excellent A Standard 20"1st place! Ski & Annie Excellent A 24" 1st place! Cheryl & Taylor Excellent B Standard 8" 2nd place! John & Casey Double Q Excellent B Standard 12" 2nd place, Excellent B Jumpers 1st place Betty & Chaser Excellent B Standard 16" Q Lynn & Christa Double Q and 4th place in Excellent B Standard! Michelle & Gordon Excellent B Standard Q! Maggie & Astro Double Q Excellent B! Meg & Flame Excellent B Jumpers Q! _____________________________________________________________________________________ LEAP Agility Trials May 28-30, 2005 Terri & Zap 2 DQ"S two 2nd places and one third place! Terri & Sonic Open Standard first and third places! New open title! Terri & Striker First place EX B Standard! Betty & Emmy 4th place open standard! 16" John & Casey 2 1st places! DQ 2nd place Ex jumpers! 12" Sue & Scuba 1st place Ex B Standard! 16" Mark & Zoey 1st place Ex B Jumpers! 12" Karen & Molly Q EX B Jumpers! 20" Patty & Brooke 2nd place EX B Jumpers! 20" Margaret & Rosie Q EX B Jumpers! 20" Margaret & Toby Q Ex B Jumpers! 24" Judy & Nickee 2nd place Open Standard! 20" Betty & Chase Q Ex B Standard! 16" Robin & Kaizer Q Ex B Standard! 16" Jean & Gaze Q EX B Standard! 20" Michelle & Gordon Q EX B Standard! 24" Mike & Joy 1st place Ex A Standard! 20" Robin & Kaizer Q in EX B Jumpers! 16" Margaret & Rosie Q Ex B Jumpers! 20" Maggie & Astro Q EX B Jumpers! 24" _________________________________________________________________________________ Lab Club of Greater Boston May 21, 2005 Paula & Rudy 1st place Novice B and 1st place Open Jumpers! 8" Paula & Casey 2nd place Novice B and 2nd place Open Jumpers! 8" Darlene & Jazz 3rd place Nov B ST 16" Darlene & Hannah Q Open St! 16" Fran & Dilly 4th place Novice Jumpers and Q in Open Standard! 16" Kin & Nate 2nd place Novice B Standard! 20" Kin & Hannah 2nd place EX B Prefered! 16" Karen & Annie Q in Open St! and 3rd Ex A Jumpers! 20" Pam & Kirby 1st place Open St! 24" Janet & Keen 3rd place open jumpers! 20" Cheryl & Taylor DQ! 3rd place Ex B St! 4th place EX B Jumpers! 8" Meg & Flame DQ! 4th place Ex B ST 12 " Sue & Scuba DQ! 3rd place Ex B ST! 16" Terri & Zap DQ! 2nd place EX B ST! and 4th place Ex B Jumpers! 20" Lynn & shotshie DQ! 20" Lynn & Christa DQ! 20" Linda & Surfer Q EX B Jumpers! Ski & Annie Q EX A Jumpers! 24" Kris & Puzzle Q EX B Jumpers! 16" Boots & Maggie 1st place Nov preferred! 12 " Donna & Zap Q EX B Jumpers! 24" Margaret & Rosie Q EX B Jumpers! 20" _________________________________________________________________________________ Colonial Shetland Sheepdog Club May 22, 2005 Paula & Casey 1st place Novice B Standard! 8" Darlene & Jazz 2nd place Novice B Standard! 16" Kim & Nate 1st place Novice B Standard! 20" Terri & Sonic 1st place Open Standard! 20" Fran & Dilly 1st place Open Standard! 16" Judy & Nickee Q in Open Standard! 20" Janet & Keen 2nd place Ex A Standard! 20" Janet & Keen 2nd Ex A Jumpers! 20" Cheryl & Taylor DQ! 2nd place Ex B Standard! 8" Lynn & Shotshie Q in Ex B Standard! 20" Terri & Striker 1st Ex A Standard! 24"\ Betty & Chase Q Ex B Jumpers! 16" Lynn & Christa Q Ex B Jumpers! 20" Margaret & Rosie Q Ex B Jumpers! 20" Boots & Maggie 1st place Novice Prefered! 12 " Boots & Maggie 1st place Novice Jumprs Prefered! 12" Mike & Heidi 1st place Ex B Prefered! 16" ________________________________________________________________________ NEAT Trial May 14th & 15th, 2005 Cati & Bella 2nd place Masters Standard! Cati & Bella New Master's Standard Agility Title! SAM! Cati & Flirt 6 runs with 5 Q's! Cati & Flirt 2nd in Starters Pairs Relay, 3rd in Novice Standard! Cati & Flirt 3rd in Starters Gamblers, Q in Starters jumpers and 4 Starters snookers! ______________________________________________________________________________ TMAC Trial Westfield, MA May 7th & 8th, 2005 Terri & Striker 2 DQ's 4 first places! 24" Terri & Sonic 1st place Open Jumpers! 20" Terri & Zap Q in EX B Jumpers! 20" Ski & Annie 1st place EX A Standard! 24" Ski & Annie 2nd place EX A Jumpers! 24" Linda & Surfer DQ! and a Q in Ex B Standard! 20" Betty & Emmy 1st place Open Standard! 16" Betty & Emmy 1st place Open Jumpes! New Title! 16" Beth & Aspen 1st place Open Standard! New Title! 24" Beth & Aspen 3rd place Open Jumpers! 24" Pam & Kirby 1st place Open Jumpers! 24" Jean & Blush 2nd place Open Jumpers! 20" Jean & Fringe Q Ex Standard! 20 Karen & Annie 2nd place Ex A Standard! 20" Meg & Flame 4th place Ex B Standard! 12" Meg & Flame 2nd Ex B Jumpers! 12" Lynn & Krista Q in Ex B Jumpers! 20" Margaret & Rosie 2 DQ'S! 20" Donna & Zap Q Ex B Standard! 24" Lynn & Shotshie Q in Ex B Standard! 20" Wow, What a great weekend we all had! Keep up the great work! _______________________________________________________________________ Scottish Terrier Trial April 30 & May 1st Karen & Annie First OA leg! New OAJ Title! Catie & Zip First place Ex A Jumpers! 12" Catie & Flirt 2nd in Novice Standard and a 3rd and 4th place in Novice jumpers! 20" Catie & Flirt new NAJ Title! 20" Catie & Bella DQ! 4th place in EX B standard a 3rd and 4th place in Ex B jumpers! 20" Catie & Jett DQ! 20" Betty & Emmy 1st place Nov B jumpers ! 1st place Open Standard! 16" Meg & Flame 2DQ's!! Ex B ST 2nd place! 12" Mark & Zoey 1st place Ex A Jumpers! 12" Cheryl & Taylor DQ! E 2 1st places x B jumpers! 2nd place Ex B Standard! Paula & Casey 2nd place Open Standard! 8" Paula & Rudy Novice B Jumpers 1st place New NAJ Title!!! 8" Kris & Puzzle 2nd place Ex A Jumpers New AXJ Title!!! 16" Kris & Puzzle 1st place Ex A Standard New AX Title!!! 16" Michelle & Topper EX B DQ # 15!!! Kim & Nate 3rd place Novice B Jumpers! 20" Wish I was there to see all of you do so well! I am so proud! ________________________________________________________________________ Burlington, VT April 23 & 24, 2005 Terri & Striker 2 DQ's Ex St 2 second places, Ex JW second & third place! 24" Terri & Zap 1 DQ, Ex St first place Ex JW first and second place! 20" Terri & Sonic New NAJ Title two first places! 20 " Fran & Dilly first leg Open Standard first place! 16" Fran & Dilly 2nd leg Novice jumpers third place! 16" Judy & Nickee Open Standard first leg second place! 20" Sharon & Breaker New AX title first place Ex A! 20" Cheryl & Taylor 2 DQ's 2nd place, third place, and two fouth places! 8" Cati & Bella 1 DQ! 2nd place EX B ST 3rd place EX B Jumpers! 20" Cati & Bella 4th place Ex B ST! 20" Cati & Flirt Novice Standard 2nd place! 20" Catie & Flirt Novice Jumpers a 3rd place! 20" __________________________________________________________________ Goshen, Ct April 16th, 17th, 2005 Janet & Keene 2 first place Open Standard! New Open Title! 20" Janet & Keene 1 first and 1 second place Open Jumpers! 20" Janet & Keene first place Novice Jumpers and New Title! 20" Beth & Aspen 2 first places Open Jumpers! 4th place Open Standard! 24" Catie & Bella DQ with a Q and 3rd place in Ex B Jumpers! New MXJ Title! 20" Catie & Bella Q Ex B St _________________________________________________________________________ Syracuse Cluster March 31, April 3, 2005 Terri & Sonic Novice Standard Title! two 1st places and one 4th place! 20" Terri & Sonic First Novice Jumpers leg! 1st place! 20" Terri & Zap Ex B Jumpers 1st place Ex B Jumpers 3rd place! 20" Terri & Striker Ex B Standard 4th place! 24" Ski & Annie Open Jumpers 1st and 3rd place! Open Title! 24" Judy & Nickee Novice B Standard 3rd place New title! 20" Judy & Nickee Novice B Jumpers 4th place New Title! 20" Judy & Nickee Open Jumpers 4th place! 20"outstanding!!!! Lynn & Christa Ex Standard 3rd place! 20" Lynn & Christa New MX and MXJ titles! 4 Q's! 20" Catie Williams & Bella DQ! Q in Ex Standard ! 20" Catie Williams & Jett 2 DQ with a third in EX Standard! 20" Catie Williams & Jett New MX & MXJ Titles! 20" I am so proud of each and every accomplishment! I smile as I enter these results...keep up the great job! __________________________________________________________________ Springfield Cluster : March 25th-27, 2005 Karen & Annie New NA Title! 20" Karen & Annie second OAJ leg 1st place! Sharon & Breaker New Open Jumpers Title 1st place! 20" Sharon & Breaker fisrt Ex Jumpers leg, 2nd Ex Standard leg 4th place! Beth & Aspen 2nd place Open Standard! 24" Cheryl & Taylor New MXJ Title! 8" Cheryl & Taylor 2 DQ's Ex B Standard 3rd and 4th place! Cheryl & Taylor Ex B Jumpers 2nd and 4th place! MaryEllen & Fox AXJ Title! 4th place! 24" MaryEllen & Pumpkin AXJ Title! 3rd place 20" Meg & Flame 1 DQ! 4th place Ex Standard! 44 "MACH points"!!! John and Casey Ski & Jamie Novice Standard leg! 24" Ski & Annie Novice Jumpers 4th place! New Title! 24" Ski and Annie Open Jumpers 3rd place! 24" Betty & Chase MX Title!!! 16" Betty & Emmy 2 legs 1st and 2nd place! 16" Kelsie & Taffy Open Jumpers 1st place! 12" Janet & Keene Novice A Standard 1st and 2nd place! Janet & Keene Novice A Jumpers 1st place! 20" Dick & Q 1st place Novice A Standard and Novice A jumpers! 20" Kathy & Spenser 3rd MX leg! 24" Lynn & Shotshi 4th MX leg! MXJ Title!!!! 20" Pam Shattuck & Kirby first leg Open Jumpers first place! ________________________________________________________________________ All Dog's Gym March 26th & 27, 2005 Cati & Bella Q in Steeple Chase! Cati & Bella 7th place Dam Team! ___________________________________________________________________________ American Bullmastif Assoc Cati and Jett DQ! and 3rd place in Standard 20" Lynn Horrigan & Christa DQ! Janet Harris Novice A Standard 2nd place Janet & Keene Nov A Jumpers 1st place with a 18 second run!!!! First time in the ring!!!!!!! 20" Kathy Joffe & Spenser Q in Ex Standard 24" |