2005 New Titles
Steppin'Up would like to congratulate the following!

Ann Scripto & Ricki New UD Title!

Sandy Madden & Cadie New "UD Title"!

Judy Linker & Oliver New "UD Title"!

Karen Kennedy & Cinder New "CD Title"!

Kris Helve-Thober & Booker New "CD Title"!
2004 Titles

Fran Boyle & UCD Geluk is Camellia Hillside Can CDX, Am/Ber/ASCA CD NJP

Lisa Rockland & Cowboy "UD ASCD UD" itles

Sharon Pica & Breaker New "CD Title" with a"200" score for his second leg in open!

Carol Reina & Hannah & "CDX, UCD, Can CD Titles"!

Carl Shectman & Wynton "CAN OTCH, Ber OTCH, AKC UD" Titles!

Judy Linker & Oliver "CDX" Title"!
Judy Linker & Gussie New "UD Title"!

Jane Bronson & Murphy "UD Title"!

Sandy Madden & Cadie New"CDX" Title! Canadian"OTCH Title"!

Karen Kennedy & Emma "CDX Title"!

Karen Kennedy & Cinder "Can CD Title"!

Lynn Horrigan & Joey "CD Title"!
Lynn Horrigan & Christa "CD Title"!

Elaine Reid & Grace "UD Title"!
Photo"s coming soon!
Terri Walker & Buzz "UD Title"!
Phyliss Barber & Sam "UD Title"!
Lori Mauger & Skid "UD Title"!
Terri Kerr & Gemma "UD Title"!
Deb Lazaro & Zack "UD and UDX" Titles!
Kathy Walker & Blake "OTCH Title"!
Regina Steiner & Iana "UD Title"!
Deb Carlson & Spirit "CDX Title"!
Elsie Walker & Rumor "CD Title"!
Pat Fanelli & Catcher "CD Title"!
Nancy Aldrich & Harry "CD Title"!
Zel Corkern & Mike "CD Title"
I am so proud of each and everyone of you. Thank you for letting me help you reach your goals! Terri
Steppin'Up would like to thank the following photographers for the beautiful pictures used throughtout this website.
Karen Hocker
Kenneth Reed
Spot Shots
John Spivey
Tien Tien