Steppin'Up Dog Training Complex is perfect for obedience trials, club meetings, seminars, matches, or any dog related event. There is ample parking, bathrooms, tables and chairs, coffee pot, refrigerator, trash cans, microwave, outside water, picnic tables.
Obedience Clubs
Steppin'Up has equipment for three obedience rings in our agility center. We also have a beautiful fenced in field where you can set up four obedience rings. The agility center has a dirt floor. The obedience center is fully matted and air conditioned. It is great for crating and for lunch.
Agility Clubs
We have two full sets of agility equipment for an indoor and an outdoor agility ring. The agility center is heated and has a wonderful dirt floor. The agility center is 7200 sq ft with a 6000 sq ft ring that is approved for both novice and open classes. The outdoor agility field is over 12000 sq ft with a agility ring over 9000 sq ft and is approved for excellent classes. The outdoor agility field is completely fenced in for the dog's safety. Steppin'Up is perfect for 300 to 450 runs a day. Crating would be in the obedience center which is fully airconditioned.
can rent the facilities for practice time or events. Prices listed
below. Please call or email
us for available times.
Arnold's Steppin Up Dog Training School
186 County Road
Freetown, MA 02717
Club Rentals:
Obedience Center: $200 a day.
Agility Center $500 a day.
Both Centers $650 a day.
Agility field: $200 a day.
The whole facility including the agility field is $750 a day.
Prices: Individual or small groups
Obedience Center:
Price for those who are registered in classes or taking private lessons. $10 an hour
Others $15 an hour.
Agility Center:
Price for those who are registered in classes or taking private lessons. $20 an hour up to four people and $5 an hour for each additional person.
Others $25 an hour up to 4 people. $5 an hour for each additional person.
Agility Field: $20 an hour.
Price for those who are registered in classes or taking private lessons. $10 an hour up to four people and $5 an hour for each additional person.